Wednesday, 20.03.2024

06:00 pm        Welcome Reception at Hofbräuhaus

06:15 pm         "Bieranstich" - Barrel Tapping Ceremony        
06:30 pm        Impulse Debate: Which Dose Counts?
                       Chair: Dr. Stefanie Girst

                        Participants: Prof. Jürgen Meyer (University of Washington)
                                              Prof. Günther Dollinger (Universität der Bundeswehr München)                                                                                                          

07:00 pm        Bavarian Dinner with Bavarian Music

Thursday, 21.03.2024

08:00 am      Coffee and Drinks

08:45 am      Welcome of the Day

09:00 am      Biological Mechanisms of the Effect of Particle Minibeams
                      Chair: Dr. John Eley

                Invited talk: Dr. Lorea Iturri (Institut Curie)

                Contributed talks:
                Martina Cots-Costa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
                         Assessing the biomolecular effects of carbonminibeam radiation therapy via synchrotron-based infrared microspectroscopy 
                Roberto González Vegas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
                          Infrared microspectroscopy to uncover the invivo biochemical effects of proton minibeam radiation therapy
                Nicole Matejka (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
                          Migration behavior of U87 glioblastoma cells after irradiation with varying LET
                Dr. Robert Griffin (Institut Curie)
                          Hypoxic radioresistance in particle minibeamtumor response: in vitro study to inform optimal peak dose and treatmentplanning protocols

10:50 am      Coffee, Cake and Posters

11:20 am       Treatment planning and simulations
                      Chair: Prof. Jürgen Meyer
                Invited talk: Stefan Bartzsch

                Contributed talks:
                Prof. Hao Gao (KU Medical Center)
                         MC-IMPT:A multi-collimator intensity-modulated PVDR-optimized treatment planning methodfor proton minibeam radiotherapy
12:10 pm       Facility Session
                      Chair: Dr. Gerd Datzmann

12:45 pm       Lunch, Coffee and Posters

01:15 pm       Poster Session

02:45 pm      Technologies of particle minibeam production and application
                       Chair: Prof. Günther Dollinger

                 Invited talk: Aikaterini Rousseti (Universität der Bundeswehr München)

                 Contributed talks:
                 Dr. Alexander Gerbershagen (UMCG PARTREC)       
                       Past Research and Future Possibilities ofResearch on Spatially Fractionated Beams at UMCG PARTREC
                  Dr. Francesco Romano (INFN)
                      TheINFN MIRO (MInibeam RadiOtherapy) project for a systematic investigation of theminibeam effect
                 Dr. Johanna Winter (Technical University of Munich)
                        A compact x-ray source for microbeam andminibeam radiation therapy in the making

04:15 pm       Ask the expert
                       Chair: Prof. Judith Reindl
                       Experts: Technology: Prof. Günther Dollinger (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
                                      Chemical processes: Prof. Joao Seco (DKFZ)
                                      Biological mechanisms: Dr. Lorrea Itturi (Institut Curie)
                                      Dosimetry: Dr. Linh Tran (University of Wollogong)

06:30 pm       Aperitif at Munich Urban Colab
07:00 pm       Dinner at Munich Urban Colab (until 22:30)

Friday, 22.03.2024

08:00 am      Coffee and Drinks

08:45 am      Welcome of the day

09:00 am     Medical Applications of Particle Minibeam Therapy
                     Chair: Prof. Judith Reindl

                Invited talk: Dr. Emanuelle Jouglar (Institut Curie)
09:30 am     ErUM Data Feature Session: Digitalization and machine learning in particle minibeam therapy                                                                               
                     Chair: Prof. Judith Reindl     

                Invited talks:
                Dr. Erik Traneus (RaySearch)
                      Machine learning in treatment planning
                Laura Stepanek
                      Machine learning in the research of biological mechanisms
10:10 am      Coffee, Brez'n and Posters

10:40 am       Dosimetry of Particle Minibeam Production and Application    
                       Chair: Dr. Stefania Peracchi
                Invited talk: Dr. Linh Tran (University of Wollogong)

                Contributed talks:
                Dr. Samuel Flynn (NPL)
                       Application of a primary-standard level calorimeter for absolute dosimetry in monoenergeticproton radiation therapy beams 
                 Jake Pensavalle (CPFR)
                        Realization and dosimetric characterization ofa mini-beam/flash electron beam at the Centro Pisano Flash Radiotherapy (CPFR)
                Dr. John Cotterill
                     Impact of positioning uncertainty of detectors on the dosimetry of Particle Minibeam Therapy
12:10 pm      Lunch, Coffee and Posters

01:20 pm       Pre-Clinical Studies on Particle Minibeam Therapy
                      Chair: Yolanda Prezado

                Invited talks: Angela Corvino (Institut Curie)
                                      Prof. John Eley (Vanderbilt University)

                Contributed talks:
                Prof. Jürgen Meyer (University of Washington)
                       Correlation between dosimetry quantities and cell survival for microbeam radiation therapy
02:40 pm      Round table: Are we ready for Clinical Trials?
                      Chair: Prof. Judith Reindl

                                     Clinics:       Prof. Stephanie E. Combs (Institute of Radiation Medicine) and Dr. Emanuelle Jouglar (Institut Curie)
                                     Research:  Prof. Yolanda Prezado (Institut Curie) and Prof. John Eley (Vanderbilt University)

04:00 pm      Conclusion and Fare Well with Coffee and Cake

Conference Venue

Universität der Bundeswehr München

Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85577 Neubiberg, Germany

Welcome Reception

Hofbräuhaus München

Platzl 9
80331 München

Conference Dinner

Munich Urban Colab

Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5
80797 München
Logo of Universität der Bundeswehr MünchenLogo of ERUM Data HubPMBT Group coloured logo


Conference Chair:

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Judith Reindl
Section biomedical radiation physics
Institute for applied physics and measurement technology
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85577 Neubiberg

Conference phone: +49 89 6004 4443
Conference mail:

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